Common Mistakes IELTS Candidates Make

Common Mistakes IELTS Candidates Make

IELTS mistakes can easily cost you $200, the fee for the exam. After years of teaching English—both conversation and IELTS/TOEFL preparation classes, online and in-person—I have identified several reasons why candidates fail to achieve their desired results in these international exams. I refer to these reasons as “IELTS poisons” because any candidate who makes these mistakes ends up with the same disappointing outcome. I hope this article can help prevent others from repeating these errors and serve as a remedy for future test-takers.

Poison 1: Rushing to Take the Exam

Some people, while going about their daily lives, suddenly discover an incredible job or academic opportunity elsewhere in the world. The only obstacle? They lack the necessary IELTS or TOEFL certificate. In a rush, they hastily sign up for the exam, throwing themselves into preparation, unaware that even Rome wasn’t built in a day. Common mistakes include:

  • Underestimating the exam.
  • Misjudging how much preparation is needed.

These individuals often spend large amounts of money and endure intense stress over just a few weeks, only to see themselves as failures. My advice: If you think a great opportunity has come your way, remember that many others already have their certificates ready and can act faster than you. Instead of rushing and getting overwhelmed, take your time to earn your certification. Remember, your IELTS certificate is valid for two years, during which many other opportunities will arise. Rushing will only waste your money and patience.

Poison 2: Enrolling in Pre-IELTS Classes

Another costly mistake candidates make is enrolling in Pre-IELTS courses. If your English skills aren’t strong enough, taking these classes won’t help you. First, you need to bring your English proficiency to a satisfactory level, and then enroll in IELTS preparation classes. As the saying goes, “Never run before you can walk.” The term “Pre-IELTS” refers to someone whose language skills are so low that they are not yet ready to take the exam. Unfortunately, some institutions push students into IELTS prep classes even when they are not yet confident in their speaking, writing, or grammar skills. You should only join such classes if you are already proficient in these areas. Otherwise, you will not only fail to gain mastery but also become discouraged. Also, note that “Pre-IELTS” is a term invented by Iranians and does not exist internationally.

Poison 3: Hoarding IELTS Books

Another common mistake is buying a large number of IELTS books. This approach does nothing but waste trees, enrich bookstore owners, and leave you feeling more stressed and overwhelmed. I recommend buying only one or two good books. Completing one or two books thoroughly will train your subconscious to see you as someone who finishes what they start, leading to better results.

Poison 4: Seeking Advice from Everyone

Some candidates make the mistake of seeking advice from multiple sources—traveling from one tutor to another, consulting friends and relatives. In ancient times, learning from various masters was considered beneficial, but for IELTS or TOEFL, it’s better to stick with one qualified instructor. Consulting too many people only confuses you and makes you skeptical of everyone, including your chosen tutor. Eventually, you won’t even realize when you’ve strayed off course. This is another common and detrimental mistake.

Poison 5: Believing Marketing Gimmicks

To achieve success in IELTS, you need to invest significant time. Claims of reaching IELTS Band 7 in three or even two months are just marketing slogans that distract you from reality. To score a 6.5, you need at least 1,200 hours of study, and more is better. Most universities and colleges outside Iran accept a score of 6.5, so aiming for an 8 or 8.5 is unnecessary. Don’t waste time striving for perfection.

Poison 6: Sacrificing Exercise and Rest

Some candidates wrongly believe they should forgo food, rest, and leisure until they pass the exam. Remember, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Even modern science confirms that exercise sharpens the mind, and adequate rest rejuvenates the body.

Poison 7: Taking the Exam Repeatedly

Some well-meaning relatives suggest taking the exam as many times as possible, inspired by the saying, “Do good as much as you can.” However, instead of taking the test multiple times, prepare thoroughly and take it once. With today’s fees at 2 million toman, it’s wiser to invest in proper preparation and pass the exam in one go.

Avoid these common IELTS mistakes, as they can drain your money, time, and energy. Prepare well, choose the right guidance, and don’t rush the process. Success in the IELTS exam requires patience, consistency, and smart preparation.

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